It is my hope that this blog will be a place for you to feel connected to Wabanna even as we wait for next summer- for some of you, hundreds of miles may separate us, and this is, I hope, just another way to help you feel a little closer!
So what's with "rooted"? Colossians 2:6-7. "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." This verse is the theme of this blog- as it is my sincere hope that in a small way, weekly devos will encourage us all to do these things- to continue to live in him, to strengthen our faith, to be thankful and to be rooted in him.
Trees are some of my favorite things. Really. I think trees can be so amazing, especially when they stand so tall. Trees provide some much needed shade in the summer especially. Just about every summer I think about how I could possibly plant a tree 'just so' that its branches would stretch over the Giant Swing to provide some relief from the hot sun! They (I don't really know who "they" are, just, the tree people...) they say that a tree's roots can spread to about three times the area that the branches spread! The roots provide support for the tree- they keep the tree from falling over (or, they do their best, anyway). The roots absorb all the water and nutrients the tree needs to survive. They are important, to say the least. So, if I imagine us as having roots, I cannot think of anything or anyone to better be rooted in than Christ! To be rooted in Christ- to be supported by him and to be provided everything I need, by him! So, let's set down our roots in Christ and continually turn to scriptures in the Bible to draw nearer to him- our root system!
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