Easter... sometimes when I am preparing for Easter, things come to mind that have nothing to do with my Messiah. I think about hunting for eggs, I think about bunnies, I most definitely think about chocolate. I am not suggesting these things are necessarily bad- but I am suggesting that they are not the meaning of Easter either. Much like Christmas, I enjoy things about Easter that are not based solely on Jesus. At Christmas I admit I enjoy my Christmas tree adorned with some 101 ridiculous ornaments both handmade and purchased. At Easter I admittedly eat my weight in those Reese's Eggs (why is it that they are so much more delicious than a regular Reese's cup?!?) But just like at Christmas, when Easter rolls around I have to pause, reflect and really consider what this holiday is all about. And it humbles me to my knees when I really, really consider preparing for Easter.
I had a roommate in college who told me that her favorite holiday, hands down, was Easter. I looked at her like she had three heads and asked "how can anyone love a holiday more than Christmas?" Again, I have to be honest that some of my love for Christmas revolves around the hustle and bustle and music and joy- but I truly love Christmas because we prepare for the coming of the Christ child! To which my sweet roommate responded "yeah, it's true- His arrival is amazing... but if after His arrival He didn't die for us, then we could not live. And that, is why Easter is my favorite."
Of course. If Jesus did not die- then we could not live. And if Jesus didn't conquer death, then we could not live! 1 Peter 2:24 says,
"He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed."
I would encourage you to read the whole story in Matthew chapters 27 and 28 (you can of course find the story in Mark, Luke and John as well)- but hang on until the end. Don't only read the crucifixion story. Jesus took on death- a hard and painful, undeserved death, so that he could bear our sins! Scripture tells us that when we sin we deserve death (Romans 6:23) but Jesus took our place- he died for us. He, who was without sin, took our sins, and died for them (2 Corinthians 5:21). But the story (thankfully) does not end there! Jesus conquered death, death could not hold him! He is risen. Chapter 28 in Matthew tells the story of Jesus risen from the dead.
And now, we need to tell everyone about it! He came back, on what we call Easter, to say "now go and make disciples of all the nations..." (Matthew 28:19). We need to share Easter with everyone! So this Easter, it is my prayer that we would all remember what it is really all about. It's about telling everyone about it! Telling everyone who Jesus is and what he has done! As Christians, it is our job- it is the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20). We are to take this Easter message and share it with all the nations! He died, he rose, he lives... he saves. That is cause for Easter celebration, I think.
posted by: Tara